How to mount your Amazon Workdocs Drive in the Windows 10 Linux sub system (WSL)

I found it pretty helpful to have access to my Amazon Workdocs drive in my Windows 10 WSL (Ubuntu 18.04) environment. After a bit of trial and error I was eventually able to get the right switches aligned to mount the drive. With this configuration I am able to access the drive from Windows and the Linux system. The same files are available to both operating systems so be careful not to edit files at the same time.

The commands below will show you how to mount your WorkDocs drive that is on Windows, on your Linux machine running in WSL 1 or 2.

Commands to mount the drive from Windows into the WSL: (This assumes on Windows the Workdocs drive is mounted at W: )

$ sudo mkdir /mnt/workdocs && sudo chown $USER /mnt/workdocs
$ sudo mount -t drvfs W: /mnt/workdocs

To safely unmount the drive:

sudo umount /mnt/workdocs

Let me know if you have any questions! ๐Ÿ™‚

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